Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Pregnant in six months, or your money back?

Pregnant in six months, or your money back? New programme claims it can make ANY woman pregnant in 24 weeks
  • Claim relates to women of childbearing age only
  • Neuroscientific Fertility Treatment helps patients conceive naturally 
  • If natural methods do not work clinic can help prepare the body for IVF
  • Techniques include acupuncture, mindfulness and healthy eating
  • The natural method has success rates of up to 77 per cent
·         Tragically, for increasing numbers of couples, starting a family isn't as simple as it's supposed to be.
·         Whether it's polycystic ovaries, a low sperm count or, worst of all, unexplained infertility, many are forced to make the heartbreaking decision to spend their savings on IVF or give up on their dreams of family life altogether.
·         But a solution could be on the horizon courtesy of a groundbreaking new method called 'Neuroscientific Fertility Treatment', which is claimed to have results within 24 weeks.
·         Healthy: Neuroscientific Fertility Treatment improves wellbeing as part of helping would-be mothers conceive
·         Healthy: Neuroscientific Fertility Treatment improves wellbeing as part of helping would-be mothers conceive
·         The new treatment focuses on removing mental blockages that prevent pregnancy and reducing the stress hormone cortisol, which can also impede conception.

As well as improving patients' mental state, the treatment programme also helps boost physical health - creating the optimum conditions for conception.
Other recommendations include having regular sex throughout the cycle in order to reduce pressure during fertile times and staying hydrated.
Created by neuroscientist, Michael Arnold, the programme is totally natural and, according to Arnold, has a success rate of between 66 and 77 per cent depending on the reason for infertility.
Other research carried out by Arnold and his team found that 75 per cent of couples who committed to at least 20 treatments over a six month period achieved a successful pregnancy, compared to just  32.3 per cent with IVF.
Effective: According to Dr Arnold, 77 per cent of patients are pregnant within 9 months of having acupuncture
Effective: According to Dr Arnold, 77 per cent of patients are pregnant within 9 months of having acupuncture


1. Have regular intercourse
Research has shown that couples who have regular intercourse (at least three times per week) throughout the cycle can double their chances of getting pregnant. Couples who have intercourse that is mainly concentrated around ovulation will take longer to conceive.
The fertile window is much larger than most people realise as both sperm eggs can live for several days inside the womb, prior to fertilisation. What's more, the stress caused by figuring out the 'most fertile time' can actually reduce your chances of success.

2.  Stay hydrated
Flow is an essential principle of Five Elements Acupuncture, which teaches that body, mind and emotions are interconnected as modern research in psychoneuroimmunology and neuroscience is now corroborating.
Staying adequately hydrated is essential to maintain flow. For cells to function properly, for organ systems to connect and work well together,  and  to maximize fertility, drink at least 1 1/2 litres a day of filtered or bottled water.
Your urine should be a light yellow, straw-like colour. This prevents the accumulation of unwanted and waste materials, which can lead to fatigue, stress, blocks and stagnation in joints, gut, blood, body organs, thoughts and feelings.

3. Eat breakfast every morning between seven and nine
Your body follows daily rhythms and patterns. Certain organs have times of peak activity. For the stomach, this time is between seven and nine every morning. At this time, the body is most receptive to taking in vital nutrients. It is therefore essential to ensure that you eat a good breakfast every morning.
If this window is missed, you will not be able to make up for it later in the day. Conversely the stomach is least active between seven and nine in the evening so this is the worst time to have your biggest meal of the day. When people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day they are not joking.
To maximise your nutrient intake follow the adage 'Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, Dinner like a Pauper'.

4. Forget five a day
Instead, you should be aiming for nine a day, as the natural antioxidants help protect the egg, sperm and developing cells from daily damage.

5 . Make sure you're asleep by 11pm
Nighttime is when your body goes into growth and repair mode. Healthy sperm and eggs develop and the whole body regenerates. It is therefore essential that you make the most of this period.
It has been scientifically proven that the period between 11pm and 8am is when the best sleep is possible. According to ancient Chinese wisdom, 11pm marks the start of a new phase of activity - characterised by physical and mental rejuvenation.
Obviously the odd late night does you no harm but if you regularly go to bed after 11pm your body will not get the full benefits of a good night's sleep.

6. Exercise for 30 minutes, three times per week
Regular exercise is essential to ensure your body is in the optimum condition for conception to occur. Not only does it stimulate the heart and circulatory system, it also increases the body's capacity to take in and use oxygen.
This is the vital substance that every cell in the body needs to create energy and growth. Regular exercise also leads to reduced stress levels, which is another vital ingredient in a successful pregnancy.

7. Get in touch with nature
With our busy lives and our concrete cities, we tend to forget that, as human beings, we too are a part of nature. Five Elements Acupuncture is governed by the laws of nature and puts us back in touch with our own unique nature.
Healing is a natural function. When you cut yourself you don't have to figure out how to make the cut heal. Nature takes care of that. At least once a week  remind yourself of this by taking a walk  in the countryside, a park or wood, or just sitting by a river or flowing water. Look at the sky and listen to the birds sing reconnect, slow down and appreciate being a part of nature.
This restores balance and harmony to your body, emotions and mind, and regulates body chemicals and hormones, essential for fertility. Neuroscience now backs what we all instinctively know to be true - that being in touch with nature is good for you.

8. Get your fat balance right
Sperm health, hormone balance and healthy circulation all depend on it, so limit saturated fat from intensively reared animals and include daily well-chewed or ground seeds.
Avoid foods fried at a high temperature and all hydrogenated fats. Also take a purified fish oil, or safer still an algae oil, supplement.

9. Avoid alcohol and caffeine
In men both have been shown to reduce fertility and make pregnancy take twice as long to achieve.

10. Get tested
Before people start the programme, we test their hair for potentially harmful heavy metals which can hinder fertility and run an adrenal stress test to help determine whether their cortisol and DHEA levels need support to optimise fertility.

11. Be mindful 
To reduce your stress and cortisol levels, restore balance to your internal organ systems, and maximise fertility, it's essential to play the 'Inner Game of Health', so your brain sends the right signals to your body.
Take a moment, maybe a minute, out of every hour when you are at work to become aware of your breath, check through your body and notice how you are feeling. Accept this without judgement  or evaluation, take one big deep breathe, exhale completely,  and move on.
Even 20 to 30 seconds will help reduce stress,  rewire your brain and promote healthy changes in your body.

12. Avoid environmental toxins where possible
In particular the hormone disrupting chemical, BPA  found in plastics and lined tin cans, which may hinder implantation.
Especially avoid buying, storing and heating high fat foods such as oils and cheese and acidic foods such as tinned tomatoes.

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