Wednesday, 3 September 2014



When was the last time you felt 100%? I asked three friends in their 40s that same question last week. 2 of them said they hadn’t felt 100% since they were in their 20s. Life and old age; two things we can’t avoid. And we blame getting older and the stress of every day life for the pains we feel; headaches, back pain, lack of concentration, anxiety, depression and more. We’ve been told that it’s kind of unavoidable. Just get on with it and hope that you can take a break once a year to relax. But I couldn’t deal with the pain anymore.
I had frequent head aches and back-pain every single day.  I’d seen many doctors and they prescribed me with a mind-numbing array of drugs with a self-confident ease.

I won’t lie to you. The drugs sometimes gave me temporary relief. Until they didn’t, and I had to take more drugs and different drugs as my body built up a natural resistant. Then there was the side-effects which could be even worse than the problem! But everything changed when I was introduced to a program developed by Dr Patel, and his co-editor Ken Drew.
They said one thing that resonated with me:

“If you are well one minute. Then ill the next. Then back to better in a few days. Then you DO NOT have a disease that can be treated with pharmaceuticals.” – Dr Patel

Think about that. My back pain was here one day, then gone the next only to strike a few days later! Nothing appeared on the x-ray and the Doctor called it “stress related”.

What if I was to tell you that the problem you face – whether it’s Depression, Back Pain, Heart Pain, High Blood Pressure could be the result of a seemingly innocent thing you may be eating every single day.

I was amazed when I started to learned about Dr Patel, a 102 year old reclusive Doctor, and his controversial ideas on immune system response and disease. His solution is as simple as identifying the one food you should stop eating and letting your body do the rest. But why? And How? Watch the video presentation.


By Jason
How to get out of 'The Friend Zone'I am going to give you some highly coveted information why 95% of guys fall into a sadly unenviable position with women called “The Friend Zone”.

Getting out of that so-called “Friend Zone” is one of the most common questions I get from guys. Let me explain. There are two major reasons that you are stuck in “The Friend Zone” and you are most likely doing both without ever realizing it.
  • not touching enough
  • skipping the attraction stage
Let’s begin with touching.
Building rapport with a woman is great. However, rapport does not create the physical connection. To break the bonds of pure rapport and create anchors of sexuality, you need to break the touch barrier early on and intensify that touch over time.

Here’s how…
One of the most amazing methods for creating sexuality and emotional anchors is to take her intrigue and curiosity about you to new levels through simple but brief touch. This can be as straightforward as slight and casual touch of the hand or shoulder for two to three seconds or less during the course of conversation. Yet, you should be consistently creating these emotional anchors of trust and connection at least once per minute. Otherwise, you may well be headed to “The Friend Zone.”

Rule of thumb…Increase your touch 300%. In other words, touch 3 times more than would normally. The other tendency most guys have is to skip the attraction stage altogether and go head-first into deep conversation and rapport building. Trust me, there is a time and place for rapport building; however, what typically happens is most guys never reach the peak level of attraction needed to stimulate desirable magnetism beyond friendship.


As I said, there are only a few ways to get out of “The Friend Zone.” First, let me warn you. It takes patience and it takes work. It seems that the male species has an imprint old thoughts and concepts that DO NOT work. If you are used to asking women to go out to dinner or have a drink, toss that thinking out of your mind right now. Getting out of “The Friend Zone” requires a shift in the paradigm of your connection with women.

This new way of thinking creates a win-win situation for you and for her.
The key is to invite her to “meet up” in a comfortable social setting. ‘Meeting up’ can help alleviate feelings of pressure for you both. Yet, there are a few critical aspects of this ‘meeting up’ philosophy that can help create the right environment for creating sexuality and emotional anchors. One of the coolest things I suggest to guys who ask me about getting out of “The Friend Zone” is to invite your friends to meet up at the same location. In particular, inviting attractive female friends not sexually interested in you. When you meet up with her and follow this system, you will see a transformation in the way she interacts with you.

Why does this work?
Well, for starters, when she sees you interacting equally in a group conversation and creating eye contact with everyone — female and male — not just focusing just on her, you become more attractive.

When she sees other women are attracted to you, you show value. She starts to desire your attention. However, to get your attention she has to do something to create attraction.

This becomes your opportunity to be extra playful, a chance to flirt and follow the “Attraction Blueprint.” Remember, this is not the time for deep conversation, but rather the time for attraction through laughing and touching. When you have set the stage at the height of attraction, you now have the opening for building rapport.

Do not put attraction on the back-burner here.  Touching is still crucial because you are still providing value in a number of stimulating ways.

As you can see, getting out of “The Friend Zone” means recognizing your own behaviors when it comes to women and changing the way you interact.

You are not just another nice guy. You are not one of the 95%. You can provide her value and create emotional anchors that will show her a new part of you that she hasn’t seen.



You’re Not Touching Enough

I’ve taught many guys who have a hard time getting down the concept of touching women that they’re interested in. It’s most likely because you’re raised thinking you should keep your hands to yourself. Then again I was also raised believing that you’re only allowed to urinate in bathrooms, yet I’ve marked my territory in every New York City phone booth I’ve encountered. So sometimes the things you’re taught as a kid are complete bullshit?

If you have ever been rejected for a kiss it’s most likely because you haven’t touched enough. If you kept your hands to yourself all night, and then suddenly try to get a kiss, you’re going to come off too strong. It makes you seem like that creepy cousin at the Christmas Eve party who collects insects, and smells funny, who is quite all night, but after a few drinks he has his arm around you, telling you how much he loves you and that you two should hang out more often.
So do yourself and your date a favor, start touching more.

The Date Spot

According to romance movies the ideal first date is dinner and a movie. Then again according to romance movies it’s completely acceptable to wait outside a girls window and watch her sleep, so is pretty much any other form of stalking. But in reality if you text a woman too much she’ll be turned off, and if you watch her sleep from a tree outside her window you’ll probably end up sodomized in your friendly local state penitentiary.

So if you take a girl for dinner and a movie on the first date, you’re most likely going to be spending a ton of money and end up going nowhere. Conor likes to take girls to happy hour at his favorite bar, and I like to take girls on picnics, and usually end up spending about twenty bucks.

You should be doing what you like to do, and not what you think you should be doing. Because what you think you should be doing probably hasn’t been working out too well.

You’re NOT Talking About Sex on the First Date

My mom used to tell me it was rude to talk about sex with a woman, unless you guys were exclusively dating. And I’m sure many mothers have told many children the same thing, because “that’s not what gentlemen do”. Just because I would do consensually unholy things to a woman and her vagina in a public bathroom, doesn’t mean I won’t hold the door for her after we’re done. Talking about sex doesn’t have to be rude. As a matter of fact have you ever met anyone who doesn’t like sex? So why wouldn’t someone want to talk about it?

If you transition the conversation in a matter that makes sense no one will be offended for talking about sex. If she’s talking about her recently deceased dog, and you say “Interesting…did you lose your virginity before or after you got your puppy” then it’ll just seem like you’re an idiot. So guys don’t be afraid to talk about sex, everyone likes talking about sex in the right setting.



by Jason

There was a medical study last year that said being lonely is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

It was a shock to me that my inability to attract women was damaging not just my happiness, but my health. But just like you can choose to stop smoking you can choose to be better with women. And I was ready to give up being crap with the ladies.

Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things the average person ever attempts, first time failure rates are over 83%. But those that do it with the guidance and support of others, have a 312% higher chance of success.

This made me realize; I needed help attracting women, I was willing to obtain knowledge and put it in to action and I was going to become the successful man I wanted to become with the help of someone already attracting the type of women I wanted (read: intelligent and hot).

You see, I used to be pretty lame (ok, very lame) when it came to meeting and chatting with women. I was fine around women I wasn’t attracted to, but put me in front of a woman I actually LIKED… and my confidence level dropped to that of a frightened mouse.

One female friend gave me the advice, “Just be yourself”. But that didn’t help. In fact, that was precisely the problem! I WAS being myself around these women… a frightened little mouse, with no confidence at all. 

“Well then, just be confident!” she would tell me. I began to suspect she hadn’t approached and chatted up all that many women :) 

How was I supposed to BE confident, when I wasn’t? It’s not like I had a “Confidence” switch on my body that I could just turn on and off whenever I wanted.

My real breakthrough came when I stumbled across a story about a fish told by a man called Joshua Pellicer and I applied the first 3 things I learned from that story.

Josh has helped thousands of men go from loveless to master of attraction. After being featured on NBC’s “The Today Show” his system sold hundreds of thousands of copies and enabled him to make a community of men from nearly every country in the world with one aim; help single men become successful with women.
My journey to finding Joshua and his teachings took nearly 6 months, and during that time I tried and tested many methods like:

1. Online Dating

My logic was simple. I can’t talk to women, but I can type like a boss. With online dating I could create a profile and persona that would highlight my good qualities and have women messaging me. Little did I realize just how foolish this was; my writing contained all the mistakes that my real life personality had. Without learning some fundamental rules first, I wasn’t going to get anywhere.

2. Hypnosis/NLP Course

I was convinced that my lack of confidence was the root of my lack of success. If I could just be more confident I would pull in the pretty ladies. I dropped $150 on a hypnosis course that required me to listen for 1 hour every day for 28 days. The “subliminal” messages and “unconscious” suggestions were to take me from shy to stud. But my behavior didn’t change, I was still nervous around women and after 33 days I labelled this method an expensive failure.

3. Tao Of Badass System

At first I was reluctant to even try this. I claimed that I didn’t want to use psychological “tricks” to influence a woman. Really, I was scared of the hard work. At over eighty pages plus many hours of video content, a members forum with thousands of Q&A and not to mention the 12 additional “bonus reports” I was just overwhelmed at how much there was to learn.

But I soon stumbled on to something; have you ever heard of the Pareto principle? It states that 20% of your effort creates 80% of your results. Once I committed myself to learning and TAKING ACTION on just 20% of what was on offer in the Tao of Badass System I was generating 80% of the results of someone who had truly mastered the system.
From day one I learned little things like:
  • How to stop locking yourself in the friend zone by doing just one thing.
  • 10 Undeniable ways you can be guaranteed a woman is into you, no matter what she says.
  • How the way you’re sitting is INSTANTLY turning women off.
  • How to tweak your walk one way that will have women turning their heads to look at you.
  • 5 Mind Hacks that will have women wanting you…uncontrollably.
  • How to quickly start interesting conversation with any woman.
But these things, these things are just the cherries on top of the cake. Because most importantly I now had a structure to follow. A way to take myself from where I was, to where I wanted to be. A tried and tested formula that relied on scientific principles and not cheesy “self-help” motivational ideas.
I became confident with women because I was no longer playing the game without knowing the rules. I was no longer trying to fix a problem without the right tools.
And it all started with a story about a fish.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Haunting Photos Of Abandoned Olympic Stadiums

Haunting Photos Of Abandoned Olympic Stadiums. It's Scary To Think Sochi May Be Next...

As quickly as cities rise up to host the Olympics, they seem to fall even faster. After the final national anthem is played, the only thing left for these epic coliseums is wither and decay. It’s an eerie reality. Billions of dollars, thousands of hours of labor, and years later, this is what remains...

Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics

Mount Igman Ski Jump in 1984
Sarajevo was the first Communist city to host the Winter Olympics, part of an effort by the Olympic Committee to include all nations regardless of the politics at the times.
Present Day
Only 10 years after the Olympians left, Yugoslavia split apart into Bosnia and Herzegovina. War broke out and Sarajevo was under siege for the next four years.
The olympic site became a war zone, as both sides battled for control of the ski slopes.
Top of Jump
Ski Jump Medal Podium

Judges stand
The judges’ stand provided a vantage point for sharpshooters from both sides.
Overgrown Bobsled Track
For some time, the bobsled track was turned into an artillery fortress.
Graffiti on bottom turn of the track
Remains of the Olympic Village
By the end of the siege, the former olympic village was a landmine-ridden graveyard, which the people of Sarajevo would rather forget.

Athens 2004 Summer Olympics

Main Fountain Entrance
Ten years after spending $15 billion on the 2004 Summer Olympics, most of the venues in Athens are now crumbling.
Aquatic Center in 2004
Diving pool at Aquatics Center in 2012
The economic downturn drained the wallets of Greece and as a result, drained this pool of all its life.
Volleyball Arena
OAKA Main Sports Hall
Field Hockey Stadium
Multi-Million dollar softball complexMost of the stadiums were poorly designed, focusing only on one sport that had little local interest.

1972 Munich Summer Olympics Abandoned Train Station


2008 Beijing Summer Olympics

“Bird’s Nest” Opening Ceremonies Venue
China spent $40 billion on the 2008 Olympics, this is what that investment looks like now...
Present day state
Beach Volleyball Stadium in July 2008
Current state
Rowing Canals
Left abandoned to waste away
Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP/GettyImages
As quickly as cities rise up to host the Olympics, they seem to fall even faster. After the final national anthem is played, the only thing left for these epic coliseums is wither and decay. It’s an eerie reality. Billions of dollars, thousands of hours of labor, and years later, this is what remains...
Beijing Baseball Stadium in 2008
Current state as of 2012
Olympic BMX Track

1936 Berlin Summer Olympics

Olympic Village
You can't really blame a county for abandoning the creepy site of an Olympics hosted by the most evil man in history, Adolf Hitler.
John Macdougall, AFP/Getty Images
Main Amphitheater
John Macdougall, AFP/Getty Images
Diving Venue
Helsinki 1952 Summer Olympics
The Olympics are a wonderful way to bring the world together, but this is an aftermath most people don't see. With the 2014 games wrapping up in Sochi, you have to wonder what the $50 Billion pop-up city will look like years from now.
Beijing Baseball Stadium in 2008
Current state as of 2012
Olympic BMX Track
1936 Berlin Summer Olympics
Olympic Village
You can't really blame a county for abandoning the creepy site of an Olympics hosted by the most evil man in history, Adolf Hitler.
Main Amphitheater
Diving Venue

Helsinki 1952 Summer Olympics

Main Swimming Stadium
The Olympics are a wonderful way to bring the world together, but this is an aftermath most people don't see. With the 2014 games wrapping up in Sochi, you have to wonder what the $50 Billion pop-up city will look like years from now.

Abandoned Route 66: The Tourist Trap Ghost Town

By MessyNessy 13th Mar, 2013

Route 66; where all those wonderfully off-beat attractions of ‘Roadside America’ culture first sprouted. By the 1920s, Route 66, known then as the National Trail, was fast-becoming the most popular road in the country for Westward pioneers travelling across the Diablo Canyon. A 19th century isolated trading post in Arizona suddenly became a bustling stop for drivers seeking gas, food, lodging and entertainment. Today, the only thing you’ll find in the barely-there town of Two Guns is the extensive ruin of a 20th century tourist trap.

The last caretaker’s mobile home has been deserted and stripped, and the rare visitors passing through can roam the site freely. It is believed the roadside town is cursed by a ghost tribe of Apaches who were burnt alive in a nearby cave in 1878 by the Navajos. Looking back at the events, it would seem the site was doomed shortly after an eccentric entrepreneur Harry “Two Guns” Miller came into town with dollar signs in his eyes.

Mr. Miller had got wind of the growing prosperity at the canyon lodge and made a deal with the landowners, Earle and Louis Cundiff, to lease a business site. He transformed the desert land into a full-blown tourist trap, complete with gas station, lodging, food emporium and of course, a zoo.

Miller, who claimed to be full-blooded Apache, also started giving tours of the canyon, which during the 19th century, was the site of the gruesome confrontation between the Navajos and the Apaches. He cleaned up  the cave which had essentially served as a tomb for the remaining skeletons of 42 Apache men that had died there in a surprise angry retaliation from the Navajos for attacking their villages.

Miller called it the Apache Death Cave and built fake ruins around it and sold the Apache’s skulls as souvenirs. To make it a little less morbid, he later strung some lights, added a soda stand and renamed it the “Mystery Cave”. This is when things started to go very wrong for Two Guns. 

A series of unfortunate events began to plague Miller and the tourist town. Two Guns suddenly spiralled into misfortune after a major robbery of the trading post. Tension between Miller and his landlords, the Cundiffs, resulted in a heated dispute where Miller shot and killed Mr. Cundiff. He was acquitted at trial but incredibly, he was soon after mauled by mountain lions, twice, on separate occasions. Next he was bitten by a native venomous lizard known as the Gila monster which left him with a disfigured arm. Finally in 1929, a devastating fire engulfed the roadside town of Two Guns. After losing his greedy court battle with Mrs. Cundiff to keep the land, Miller finally left. Louise Cundiff and her new husband tried to rebuild the site but by this time, the heyday of Route 66 was over. It had been rerouted to the opposite canyon and the tourists had stopped coming.

A derelict Two Guns was sold and leased numerous times during the 1950s, remaining in a sorry state. In 1960s, as a new Interstate 40 was being built that would give the old attraction its own highway exit and new visitors, an ambitious new owner began re-building a restaurant, souvenir shop, gas station, another zoo, and restoring the tourist trails to the Apache tomb cave. Things were looking up for the attraction but in 1971, it all went up in flames again when another devastating fire swallowed up the last hope for the Two Guns. It has never been inhabited since.

Dare to visit? The barbed-wire fences have open gates so all of the old and newer buildings are accessible.  The old stone buildings are intact, despite heavy graffiti. Today, Two Guns has an unlikely Hollywood guardian in Russell Crowe, who purchased the property in 2011 to film a remake of WestWorld.  No word on when production will start (status: ‘in development’ on, but it would probably be wise to make a ‘no smoking rule’ a priority on set. Until then, the site is completely abandoned; no caretaker, no soda stands, no nobody…

The Abandoned Land of Oz

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Abandoned Land of Oz

By Messy Nessy 31st May, 2013

When I was a kid, I was cast as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz for my school musical. I was a very serious ten year-old and so I took the role very seriously. Another student had been cast as Dorothy’s pet dog, “Toto”, and stood next to me the entire time on stage wearing a fluffy bear costume (they couldn’t find a dog one), panting and barking after I delivered every line. Looking back, it was the performance of a lifetime. And so friends,  I felt most compelled to share a recent ‘forgotten’ find, the 1970s defunct theme park, Land of Oz….
In the resort town of Beech Mountain, North Carolina, lies a neglected theme park that survived for just ten years before it closed its doors and fell into disrepair. Entrepreneur Grover Robbins opened the park in 1970 with the investment of veteran Hollywood actress Debbie Reynolds, who bought several props and costumes from the 1939 Wizard of Oz film from MGM studios to display in the small museum. Visitors could walk down the Yellow Brick Road, “experience” the tornado which struck Dorothy’s house, and visit with the Scarecrow, Tinman, the Lion, and the Wicked Witch of the West.
But don’t forget the munchkins! As you can see, they look super friendly and cute– not at all like ghost children that have been turned to stone and sentenced to live in the overgrown woods of an abandoned theme park….

A not at all creepy ‘munchkin house’.  (c) Thomas Kerns

Dorothy’s replica house, which you can actually rent for $165 a night (Land of Oz included in the backyard), but more about that later….
The Wicked Witch’s castle…
(c) Thomas Kerns
In 1976, a fire destroyed the park’s Emerald City at the end of the yellow brick road and some artifacts in the museum, as well as one of the dresses worn by Judy Garland as Dorothy in the movie. Despite attracting over 20,000 visitors on it’s opening day in 1970, the park failed to bring in the crowds in later years and finally closed in its tenth year. Left to the elements and vandalism, props and entire houses were stolen. Some efforts were made to restore parts of the park after a decade of abandonment, but the Land of Oz would never be the same…

I’ve found some photographs from an old album on flickr of a family who visited in 1973. Photos by Billie Nenninger.
The Land of Oz in it’s prime, 1973:
1973-08 Land of Oz - Stage show - Lion, Scarecrow, Dorothy & Tinman 016
1973-08 Land of Oz, NC - The Scarecrow & his house 023
1973-08 Land of Oz, NC - The Tinman & his house 022
1973-08 Land of Oz, NC - The Wicked Witch & her house 014
1973-08 Matthew, Billie & Chad on the Yellow Brick Road, Land of Oz, NC 019
An artificial balloon ride (a specially modified ski lift) allowed visitors to get a bird’s-eye view of the park and breathtaking mountain scenery before leaving Oz….
1973-08 Chad, Matthew & Jerry on the balloon ride , Land of Oz, NC 018
(c) Billie Nenninger
You’ll be glad to know that the Land of Oz hasn’t been totally forgotten however. In the late nineties, former employees began organising a reunion at the decaying park once a year and bringing it back to life for a day. It eventually became an annual two day festival called Autumn in Oz. The yellow brick road might still be missing quite a few of its yellow bricks, but locals and non-locals now travel to the park every year to resurrect this surviving relic from its slumber.
Dorothy’s replica farmhouse can be rented from May 1st until January 1st.
This perfect private farm tucked away atop Beech Mountain has an antique kitchen & parlor, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, down comforters, every appliance, great views, lots of adventure!”
Rates start at $165 per night, $400 for the weekend and $1000 for the week and you’d be renting it from Cindy Keller, Oz’s keeper for the past 17 years. The park also can be rented for private parties and weddings.