Wednesday 24 July 2024

Cooking Dishes

Spicy Peanut Chutney with Rice flour Dosa

A perfect and easy instant breakfast recipe prepared with rice flour and topped with spices and veggies. It is basically a combination of neer dosa and rava dosa recipe which carries the same set of ingredients and the way it is prepared. It can be an ideal instant morning breakfast recipe that can also be an ideal alternative to neer dosa or rava dosa. Rice and lentil are always one of the key ingredients for most of the dosa recipes. Undoubtedly, using these ingredients yields the best dosa recipe, but can be time-consuming and needs a bit of planning. to mitigate this issue, we have an ideal instant rice-based dosa recipe that is also known as the rice flour dosa recipe.


  1. Rice flour - 2 cups
  2. Semolina [Rava/Suji] – ½ cup
  3. Salt – ¾ tsp
  4. Water – 4 cups
  5. Onions – 2 medium sizes [finely chopped]
  6. Chilly – 4 [finely chopped]
  7. Carrot – 2 medium sizes grated
  8. Coriander leaves – Finely chopped
  9. Curry leaves – Finely chopped
  10. Cumin Seed – 1 tsp

Steps to prepare Dosa:

  1. Take a bowl, add rice flour, semolina, salt and water.
  2. Mix well, add finely chopped onions, chilies, carrot, curry leaves, coriander leaves, cumin seed.
  3. Rest the watery batter for 20 min.
  4. After 20 minutes, heat the pan, add oil and dosa batter.
  5. Flip the dosa, rest it for some time, till it becomes crispy.

·       Serve the dosa in a plate with any of your favorite chutney.

Sunday 12 March 2023

The Year 2023 Will Witness Weird Events On 6 Dates

 Story by Buzz Staff

March 23: Eight thousand people will be selected by the aliens to save the earth. 

May 15: A tsunami of 750 feet in height will hit San Francisco. More than two lakh people will die. 

June 18: Seven people will drop from the sky at once.

August 18: Scientists will find a remedy for skin cancer. 

December 3: A crystal will be found which will cure many diseases. 

December 29: New organs will start growing through stem cells.


Friday 19 June 2020


Depression is a mood disorder with symptoms that affect a person's thoughts, feelings, behavior, and daily functioning. In some severe cases, it can also lead to thoughts of death or attempts at self-harm or suicide. 

Everyone experiences sadness during a period of grief or a stressful situation. In the case of depression these feelings persist over a long period (more than two weeks); can recur frequently; and disrupt a person’s daily life. Its diagnosis is made with careful consideration to commonly experienced feelings like sadness, along with other symptoms that characterize the illness. 
Even though it is one of the most well-recognized disorders, it is still widely stigmatized. The national mental health survey estimated that 1 in 20 Indians have depression—despite this, over 85% of the total number of people living with it don’t have access to treatment.
A person can be diagnosed with depression at any point in their life. Treatment for it usually involves medication; psychotherapy; or a combination of the two.  
Depression is diagnosed when there are noticeable changes in mood—these are usually characterized by sadness, and  psychosocial changes like loss of interest or pleasure in activities that the person usually enjoys. This reflects a  shift from their usual behavior or functioning level—the severity of the symptoms may vary from one person to another. While many are self-reported, some symptoms are observed by others.  

Some of the symptoms
For a diagnosis of depression, five or more of these symptoms need to be present for over two weeks. These are indicative in nature—a diagnosis can only be made by a trained mental health professional:  
  • Feeling low and sad most of the time.
  • Loss of interest and difficulty in completing daily activities; an inability to enjoy activities that were enjoyable before.
  •  Tiring quickly and feeling a lack of energy throughout the day. 
  • Difficulty in concentration; thinking; or making decisions. 
  • Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. 
  • Negative thoughts about self, life, and the future.
  • Loss of appetite, or overeating.
  • Feeling guilty and blaming yourself for past failures; feeling unworthy.
  • Frequent absence from work; being unable to work.
  • Disrupted sleeping patterns where you end up sleeping excessively, or are unable to get adequate sleep.
  • Lack of interest in sex/sexual activity as compared to previous levels of interest.
  • Experiencing frequent headaches or body aches like neck pain, or cramps.
  • Thoughts about self-harm, suicide or death.
It can be caused due to a combination of several factors that include—but is not restricted to—genetic factors, life events, stress. Some causes are—
  • Psychiatric disorders: Depression can coexist as a part of undiagnosed psychiatric disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social phobia, schizophrenia. A detailed assessment by a mental health expert is recommended in such cases.
  • Life stressors: Common life stressors—like problems relating to work, interpersonal relationships, finances—can contribute to depression.  
  • Physical health problems: Distress experienced by a person because of a physical illness that is hard to cope with can lead to showing signs of depression. It is important to consult a medical professional in such cases. 

    Each disorder has its own diagnosis criteria; consulting a mental health expert to get the correct diagnosis is the first step towards starting treatment. An incorrect diagnosis may lead to complications that might worsen the person’s mental health.
    The following criteria is followed while diagnosing depression— 
    Medical history: Usually, an expert records your medical history to rule out other illnesses that may be causing the symptoms. For example, vitamin D deficiency or other hormonal imbalances can cause depression.
    Psychological evaluation: A mental health expert uses different psychometric assessments to collect information about the person's symptoms; thoughts; feelings; behavioral patterns. The expert will also evaluate the duration of symptoms, how and when they started, their severity, and how these symptoms have affected the person's thoughts and behavior.
    Depression is diagnosed only if there are five or more symptoms of depression during most times of the day, over a period of two weeks. These symptoms must be severe enough to disrupt a person's daily activities either at work, home or other areas of functioning they are usually involved in.

     There are multiple treatment options available. The course of treatment is decided based on the severity of the illness and other physiological, cognitive and social factors. In some cases, medication is prescribed. Alternatively, a combination of medication and psychotherapy is employed as a mode of treatment. 

    In addition, the person is also referred to specialists to be treated for coexisting medical conditions like diabetes or thyroid that may have contributed to the depression. Several psychological therapies have been found to be effective in treating depression.

    A few examples of the types of  therapy used are— 
    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is one of the most commonly used treatment methods for depression. It is a structured, conversation-based therapy that helps identify dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors. Negative thoughts like "I can't do anything right" are identified and replaced with positive thoughts like "I can do this correctly,” leading to more effective and positive behavior. CBT works based on the fact that a change in a person’s behavior can lead to an improvement in thoughts and mood. This can be something as simple as stepping out of the house and taking a 15-minute walk every day. During therapy, the therapist and client set goals and work towards them. 

    Interpersonal therapy (IPT): This is a structured therapy process that focuses on helping the person improve their interpersonal relationships. The therapist teaches the client to evaluate their interactions with others, and become aware of patterns of self-isolation and difficulties faced in getting along with; relating to; or understanding others. IPT is a time-limited treatment with an initial, middle and final stage.

    Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): DBT is a conversation-based approach that focuses on building skills in many areas, such as distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotional regulation. It helps target specific symptoms of depression and teaches skills to manage them. It is found to be very useful for people who struggle with thoughts of suicide; DBT also helps clients create long-term goals and work towards it. 

    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): This treatment is used for severe forms of psychiatric conditions. ECT is known as ‘shock treatment’ in common parlance. When medication or psychotherapy is not effective in treating severe symptoms such as acute psychosis or thoughts of suicide, or if a person cannot take antidepressants, then ECT may be considered. This treatment can be combined with antidepressants and psychotherapy for some individuals. 

    Alternative therapies: While talk therapies like CBT are the most commonly used forms of treatment for depression, there are many alternative forms of therapy that can be used. Such as animal assisted therapy (AAT);  play therapy; yoga therapy; expressive arts therapy which includes music, movement and drama therapy. These are less about a person’s skill level, and  more about them using a particular medium as a way to make sense of their problems.  
    Aside from these, another critical aid in the treatment of depression is psycho-education. It involves teaching a person about their illness, how it can be treated, and how to recognize signs of relapse to get the treatment they need before a new onset of the illness.  Family psycho-education is an important part of the person’s recovery process—it  helps  reduce their distress, confusion and anxiety, allowing them to be present to the needs of their loved one struggling with depression.  

    Similarly, self-help groups, support groups—now becoming more available in urban spaces—are giving people a space to share their experiences and feelings; get information about qualified specialists to approach for treatment and therapy; and learn about helpful community resources.

    Many people with depression may not be willing to open up about what they’re going through or seek treatment. This is due to the overwhelming levels of stigma around the illness. As a person caring for someone with depression, you need to be mindful of the number of challenges the other is faced with. 

    As a caregiver, you can— 
    • Educate yourself about the illness—the signs; how they present; treatment options available.
    • Be sensitive to its symptoms, and don’t respond in a way that is stigmatizing.
    • Be more understanding, supportive and caring.
    • Speak and listen in an empathetic and non-judgemental manner.
    • Encourage open communication between yourself and your loved one with depression.
    • Be watchful for signs of self-harm or comments contemplating suicide.
    • Encourage exercise and other activities that can help the person return to their previous functional levels.
    • Be there, and care for yourself to avoid caregiver burnout.
    • Know your limits and be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to caregiving.
    • Join support groups consisting of other caregivers to help cope and manage with the challenges that come with caregiving.

Saturday 11 July 2015

26 Signs You Basically Rock at Being a Couple

By Lexi Herrick.

People are like puzzle pieces. You search and search for the right ones. You pick up a few that don't fit, and frustratedly place them back in the pile. A few fall on the floor, and you seemingly lose them forever at that point. A few feel absolutely impossible to find. But sometimes, a piece just fits. You don't have to rotate it around. You don't have to force it into the space. It just falls into place seamlessly. Sometimes, relationships are like that, too. Sometimes, you just fit, and it's incredibly clear that you are supposed to be that way. Here are 26 signs that that's the case:
1. Your personalities complement each other well, and you bring out the brightest, most comfortable versions of each other.
2. You appreciate and are genuinely interested in each other's passions.
3. You get along simply as friends, naturally and easily. Even when you do disagree, it's clear that you're working towards the same goal: each other's happiness.
4. You can just talk and be entertained and content with your own playful banter.
5. You have similar values and beliefs that you both stand by.
6. You enjoy the same things, and introduce each other to new interest and hobbies.
7. Your views don't conflict on major issues, but you are open to discussing the opinions that matter to each of you.
8. You each make the other person laugh without trying.
9. You don't have anything that's worth being mad at each other about for longer than an hour... if that.
10. You trust each other. Even at the core of your insecurities, you know your partner is the person you can depend on.
11. You have no desire to hold each other back, or control one another.
12. You function well as a team, and also as two individuals with unique talents and interests.
13. You each have your own goals and involvements, and support one another.
14. You fit right into each other's families and friends.
15. You make each other feel confident, attractive, independent and proud.
16. You don't need much to have a blast together. Sometimes it's downright comical how much fun you have doing simple activities.
17. You like the little things about each other.
18. You try new adventures together.
19. You're flexible with each other.
20. You're open to compromise.
21. You work through the adversity of time, distance and changing circumstances with baby steps, and diligent patience.
22. You don't have hidden or unaddressed issues. You lay it all out on the table, because for better or for worse you let your partner see all sides of who you are with confidence and security.
23. You listen to each other.
24. You openly admit fault.
25. You don't understand some of the issues other couples have.
26. You appreciate each other through it all, because you know that no matter what you face together, you're supposed to be together. You rock at being best friends, which makes you an unstoppable couple. Go give each other a high five or a fist bump, because you're pretty much kicking ass at this whole relationship thing.

Saturday 30 May 2015


One only has to consider the large number of highly suspicious deaths surrounding scientists, bankers and journalists to feel that something strange is afoot.
A Denver banker that supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, the infectious disease scientist who was stabbed 196 times, 3 investigative journalists who all work in explosive areas die within 24 hours…the list goes on and on.
Statistically, it makes no sense…unless it was all intended…
Last month 47-year old NASA Scientist, Alberto Behar died when his plane crashed  near an airport just north of Los Angeles. Behar helped prove that there had once been water on Mars and was a leading robotics expert. 
Add Behar to a long list of dead scientists, 74 in the just last 2 years and around 125 in the last 20. Some surmise that many of the scientists might not be dead, but have been ‘kidnapped’ by the govenment to work on black projects.


Alberto Behar, Robotics expert NASA at the JPL.
died instantly when his single-engine plane nosedived shortly after takeoff Friday from Van Nuys Airport He worked on two Mars missions and spent years researching how robots work in harsh environments like volcanoes and underwater As part of the NASA team exploring Mars with the Curiosity rover, Behar was responsible for a device that detected hydrogen on the planet’s surface as the rover moved.47-year old NASA Scientist Alberto Behar helped to prove that there had once been water on Mars according to the sad Daily Mail story published to announce his recent death in a plane crash that happened on Friday in LA, California. While plane crashes do happen and scientists do die, Behar’s name has now been added to a very long list of scientists and astronomers who have met their untimely ends prematurely, leading us to ask, did Behar know something that ‘they’ don’t want the rest of society to find out? Read more

DIED 2014

Martin John Rogers, Tropica Disease expert with the National Institutes of Health.
Martin John Rogers was found “near” his wrecked car down in an embankment in western Maryland on Thursday, September 4, 2014, after disappearing on August 21, 2014 when he left home for work at the world-renowned research center near Washington, D.C. No word yet on the cause of death, an autopsy will be performed to determine the manner of death, according to LA Times’ The Baxter Bulletin.Here is where the mystery comes in. According to the report the search for Rogers didn’t start until a “few days after he failed to show up for work,” but on the day he disappeared he is seen on a surveillance and used a credit card at a Motel 8 a few hours after he left home.  Two days later there is a report of a sighting of Rogers on a “local trail,” which authorities have deemed “likely credible. While the search for Rogers is over, the search for answers regarding his disappearance and death continues. Read more
Glenn Thomas, AIDS and Ebola expert and spokesperson for the World Health Organization.
Ebola expert Glenn Thomas was among the 298 people who were killed when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down and crashed in Ukraine. It is understood he was one of more than 100 researcherswho were aboard the flight on their way to an international Aids conference in Australia. Among the other delegates aboard the plane was Joep Lange, a leading AIDS researcher and former president of the International AIDS Society (IAS). Read more
Mark Ferri, 59, Nuclear engineer
A renowned American engineer was found dead in his hotel room in Salford after his heart suddenly stopped working. Mark Ferri, 59, from Tennessee, had completed two degrees in engineering as well as an MBA before becoming a nuclear engineer.At an inquest into Mr Ferri’s death at Bolton Crown Court, it was heard that the dad-of-one was visiting Manchester on business on September 18 – the day of his death.It was said Mr Ferri had been under stress from his job. His wife, Michaela, told the inquest: “He said a number of times, this job is killing me.” Mr Ferri was originally due to return to the US a week earlier to see his family but was asked to remain in the UK for an extra week. On September 5, Mrs Ferri spoke to her husband and said that ‘he didn’t sound right’. She said:
“He said it was just his work and they were giving him additional assignments and he was feeling overwhelmed and he didn’t think he would be able to complete them”. Read more from the Manchester Evening News

DIED 2013

Professor Carol Ambruster, 69, University professor and Astronomy and Astrophysics
Officers had found nothing in Ambruster’s life or history that appeared suspicious. reported; Carol W. Ambruster, 69 was found by her roommate in the kitchen of her apartment in the 5500 block of Wayne Avenue, Germantown with a knife in her neck about 9 p.m., police said. She also had been stabbed in the chest.Ambruster, a tenured professor in the department of astronomy and astrophysics at Villanova, retired in 2011. Ambruster attended Northeastern University, where she majored in physics, and received her doctorate in astronomy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. Her research interests included stars and the history of astronomy.
Anne Szarewski, 53, pioneered the cervical cancer vaccine.
Mystery: Doctors are still at a loss to explain Dr Anne Szarewski’s death in her Hampstead home in August. Doctors are still at a loss to explain what exactly caused the brilliant researcher’s death. She was found with high levels of an anti-malarial drug in her bloodstream, but doctors said this was not thought to have caused her death. The scientist who pioneered the cervical cancer vaccine was found dead by her husband at their £2million home after he warned she was ‘heading for a crisis’ by working too hard. Dr Anne Szarewski, 53, a university lecturer whose discovery has saved thousands of lives, was begged to slow down by her husband, who was becoming increasingly concerned about the pressure she was putting on herself. In August he found her dead in their four-bedroom home in West Hampstead, north London, after he spent two hours drilling through a door she had locked from the inside. Dr Szarewski is credited with discovering the link between the human papillomavirus and cervical cancer, leading to a vaccine for HPV – the first-ever vaccine against any form of cancer – which is now routinely given to girls across the country.
Shane Todd, 31, Phd in electrical engineering with expertise with GaN (Gallium Nitride).
Mystery: Dr. Todd felt increasingly uncomfortable with the work he was doing with the Chinese companyHuawei, to the point Shane told his family that he was being asked to compromise US security and he feared for his life. Shane was working on a “one of a kind” machine, with a dual use in commercial and in military application, requiring expertise in the area of GaN (Gallium Nitride). Shane refused to do what he was being asked to do and turned in his sixty day notice at IME. Shane found a good job with a company in Virginia, and bought a ticket to fly back to the US on July 1, 2012. Shane was killed late June 22nd, or 23rd, right after his last day of work.Shane’s death was so unusual that CBS 48 Hours did a show on it.

Dr. Richard Holmes , age 48. Weapons expert. Dr Holmes is believed to have worked on the production of chemical protection suits for troops. In 1991 he was the joint author of a scientific paper about an RAF chemical and biological protection system. Suicide riddle of weapons expert who worked with David Kelly: Scientist tells wife he is going for a walk, then takes his life in a field… just like his friend
  • Body of Dr Richard Holmes discovered in a field four miles from the Porton Down defence establishment
  • Police said there were no suspicious circumstances in latest case but revealed scientist was ‘under a great deal of stress’
  • He resigned from Porton Down last month, but it is unclear why
A weapons expert who worked with Dr David Kelly at the Government’s secret chemical warfare laboratory has been found dead in an apparent suicide.
In circumstances strongly reminiscent of Dr Kelly’s own mysterious death nine years ago, the body of Dr Richard Holmes was discovered in a field four miles from the Porton Down defence establishment in Wiltshire. It is not yet known how he died.
Read more:
Melissa Ketunuti, – died January 2013 – Firefighters find charred body of murdered pediatrician who was hog-tied, strangled and set on fire in her basementDr. Kentunuti worked at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and dedicated her whole life to being a doctor and helping kids with cancer. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, she earned a doctorate in medicine from Stanford University and had initially considered working as a surgeon internationally.
She worked on an AIDS research fellowship in Botswana through the National Institutes of Health. She also completed internships at Johns Hopkins Hospital and New York University.

DIED 2012

Professor Dr. Richard Crowe, 60, died May 27 in an off-road accident in Arizona. Dr. Crowe came to UH Hilo 25 years ago and helped launch the University’s undergraduate astronomy program. is numerous publications and co-authored works added significantly to the body of astronomical literature. He regularly trained UHH student observers with the UH 24-inch telescope on Mauna Kea, and conducted many research programs on that telescope. In 2005, he won the AstroDay Excellence in Teaching Award for his efforts. In 1991, Dr. Crowe was selected as a Fujio Matsuda Research Fellow for his scholarly work on pulsating variable stars. Crowe was also active in the community. He was a longtime member of the Rotary Club of Hilo Bay.

Gelareh Bagherzadeh, died Jan. 17, when she was shot outside her home, DDetectives investigating the murder of an Iranian molecular scientist gunned down in her car as she drove home believe she was followed or that someone was waiting for her. Bagherzadeh was struck by a single bullet that entered the passenger door window as she talked on her cell phone with her ex-boyfriend. Bagherzadeh was a molecular genetic technology student at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and also active in promoting Iranian women’s rights.

 DIED 2011

James S. Miller, 58, as a result of being attacked during a home invasion. Professor James Steven Miller came to Goshen College to teach in 1980, the same year he completed his doctorate degree in medical biochemistry at Ohio State University. He received his undergraduate degree in chemistry in 1975 from Bluffton (Ohio) University. The Goshen College Board of Directors granted Professor Miller tenure in June 1985. He primarily taught upper-level courses taken by students in nursing, pre-medical and other health-related tracks.

Zachary Greene Warfield, 35, died July 4 in a boating accident on the Potomac River. Zack was a co-founder and a member of the Board of Directors for Omnis, Inc., a McLean, VA-based strategic consulting firm for the intelligence, defense and national security communities. He spearheaded major research initiatives and, in addition to helping steer the company, was directly involved in numerous projects, including analytic training and technology consulting. Prior to founding Omnis, Zack was an engineer and analyst for the U.S. Government and private industry. As a science and technology analyst, he assessed missile and space systems, managed technical contracts, and investigated Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program as a member of the Iraq Survey Group, serving in Baghdad on two separate occasions. As an engineer, he worked on aerospace projects for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and private industry. Most notably, Zack designed critical guidance systems that ensured a successful landing for the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity; his name is inscribed on one of the rovers, and remains on Mars today.

Jonathan Widom, 55, died July 18 of an apparent heart attack. He was a professor of Molecular Biosciences in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University. Widom focused on how DNA is packaged into chromosomes — and the location of nucleosomes specifically. Colleagues said the work has had profound implications for how genes are able to be read in the cell and how mutations outside of the regions that encode proteins can lead to errors and disease.
Fanjun Meng, 29, and Chunyang Zhang, 26, drowned in a Branson hotel swimming pool. Both were from China and working in the anatomic pathology lab at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Meng was a visiting scholar and his wife, Zhang, was a research specialist, according to information at the university’s website. Meng was working on research looking at a possible link between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease.Police said the investigation is ongoing as to the cause of the drowning but had said earlier there was no sign of foul play.

Andrei Tropinov, Sergei Rizhov, Gennadi Benyok, Nicolai Tronov and Valery Lyalin, in a Russian plane crash.. The five scientists were employed at the Hydropress factory, a member of Russia’s state nuclear corporation and had assisted in the development of Iran’s nuclear plant. Theyworked at the Bushehr nuclear power plant and helped to complete construction of it. Officially Russian investigators say that human error and technical malfunction caused the deadly crash, which killed 45 and left 8 passengers surviving.

Rodger Lynn Dickey, 56, from an apparent suicide Mar. 18 after he jumped from the Gorge Bridge.Dickey was a senior nuclear engineer with over 30 years of experience in support of the design, construction, start-up, and operation of commercial and government nuclear facilities. His expertise was in nuclear safety programmatic assessment, regulatory compliance, hazard assessment, safety analysis, and safety basis documentation. He completed project tasks in nuclear engineering design and application, nuclear waste management, project management, and risk management. His technical support experience included nuclear facility licensing, radiation protection, health and safety program assessments, operational readiness assessments, and systems engineering.
Gregory Stone, 54, from an unknown illness Feb. 17. Stone, who was quoted extensively in many publications internationally after last year’s BP oil leak, was the director of the renowned Wave-Current Information System. Stone quickly established himself as an internationally respected coastal scientist who produced cutting-edge research and attracted millions of dollars of research support to LSU. As part of his research, he and the CSI Field Support Group developed a series of offshore instrumented stations to monitor wind, waves and currents that impact the Louisiana coast. The system is used by many fishermen and scientists to monitor wind, waves and currents off the Louisiana coast. Stone was a great researcher, teacher, mentor and family man.

Bradley C. Livezey, 56, died in a car crash Feb. 8. Livezey knew nearly everything about the songs of birds and was considered the top anatomist. Livezey, curator of The Carnegie Museum of Natural History, never gave up researching unsolved mysteries of the world’s 20,000 or so avian species. Carnegie curator since 1993, Livezey oversaw a collection of nearly 195,000 specimens of birds, the country’s ninth largest. Livezey died in a two-car crash on Route 910, authorities said. An autopsy revealed he died from injuries to the head and trunk, the Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s Office said. Northern Regional Police are investigating.

Dr Massoud Ali Mohammadi, 50, was assassinated Jan. 11 when a remote-control bomb inside a motorcycle near his car was detonated. This professor of nuclear physics at Tehran University was politically active and his name was on a list of Tehran University staff who supported Mir Hossein Mousavi according to Newsweek. The London Times reports that Dr. Ali-Mohammadi told his students to speak out against the unjust elections. He stated “We have to stand up to this lot. Don’t be afraid of a bullet. It only hurts at the beginning.” Iran seems to be systematically assassinating high level professors and doctors who speak out against the regime of President Ahmadinejad. However, Iran proclaims that Israel and America used the “killing as a means of thwarting the country’s nuclear program” per Newsweek.

DIED 2010

John (Jack) P. Wheeler III, 66. last seen Dec. 30 found dead in a Delaware landfill, fought to get the Vietnam Memorial built and served in two Bush administrations. His death has been ruled a homicide by Newark, Del. police. Wheeler graduated from West Point in 1966, and had a law degree from Yale and a business degree from Harvard. His military career included serving in the office of the Secretary of Defense and writing a manual on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons, which recommended that the United States not use biological weapons.

Mark A. Smith, 45. Died Nov. 15 renowned Alzheimer’s disease researcher has died after being hit by a car in Ohio. Smith was a pathology professor at Case Western Reserve University and director of basic science research at the university’s memory and cognition center. He also was executive director of the American Aging Association and co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. He is listed as the No. 3 “most prolific” Alzheimer’s disease researcher, with 405 papers written, by the international medical Journal.

Chitra Chauhan, 33. Died Nov. 15 was found dead in an apparent suicide by cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel, police said. Chauhan left a suicide note saying she used cyanide. Hazmat team officials said the cyanide was found only in granular form, meaning it was not considered dangerous outside of the room it was found in. The chemical is considered more dangerous in a liquid or gas form. Potassium Cyanide, the apparent cause of death, is a chemical commonly used by universities in teaching chemistry and conducting research, but it was not used in the research projects she was working on. Chauhan, a molecular biologist, was a post-doctoral researcher in the Global Health department in the College of Public Health. She earned her doctorate from the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in New Delhi, India, in 2005, then studied mosquitoes and disease transmission at the University of Notre Dame.

Franco Cerrina, 62. Died July 12 was found dead in a lab at BU’s Photonics Center on Monday morning. The cause of death is not yet known, but have ruled out homicide. Cerrina joined the faculty of BU in 2008 after spending 24 years on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He co-founded five companies, including NimbleGen Systems, Genetic Assemblies (merged with Codon Devices in 2006), Codon Devices, Biolitho, and Gen9, according to Nanowerk News. NimbleGen, a Madison, WI-based provider of DNA microarray technology, was sold to Basel, Switzerland-based Roche in 2007 for $272.5 million. Cerrina, chairman of the electrical and computer engineering department, came to BU two years ago from the University of Wisconsin at Madison as a leading scholar in optics, lithography, and nanotechnology, according to his biography on the university website. The scholar was responsible for establishing a new laboratory in the Photonics Center.

Vajinder Toor, 34. Died April 26 shot and killed outside his home in Branford, Conn. Toor worked at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center in New York before joining Yale. 

Joseph Morrissey, 46. Died April 6 as a victim of a home invasion. The autopsy revealed that the professor died from a stab wound. Although the cause of death was first identified as a gun shot wound, the autopsy revealed that the professor died from a stab wound. Morrissey joined NSU in May 2009 as an associate professor and taught one elective class on immunopharmacology in the College of Pharmacy.
Maria Ragland Davis, 52. Died February 13 at the hand of neurobiologist Amy Bishop. Her background was in chemical engineering and biochemistry, and she specialized in plant pathology and biotechnology applications. She had a doctorate in biochemistry and had worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Monsanto Company in St. Louis. She was hired at the University of Alabama after a seven-year stint as a senior scientist in the plant-science department at Research Genetics Inc. (later Invitrogen), also in Huntsville.
Gopi K. Podila, 54. Died February 13 at the hand of neurobiologist Amy Bishop, Indian American biologist, noted academician, and faculty member at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He listed his research interests as engineering tree biomass for bioenergy, functional genomics of plant-microbe interactions, plant molecular biology and biotechnology. In particular, Padila studied genes that regulate growth in fast growing trees, especially poplar and aspen. He has advocated prospective use of fast growing trees and grasses as an alternative to corn sources for producing ethanol.
Adriel D. Johnson Sr. , 52. Died February 13 at the hand of neurobiologist Amy BishopHis research involved aspects of gastrointestinal physiology specifically pancreatic function in vertebrates.

Amy Bishop, 45, Neurobiologist – murdered three fellow scientists February 13 after being denied tenure. Dead biology professors are: G. K. Podila, the department’s chairman, a native of India; Maria Ragland Davis; and Adriel D. Johnson Sr.

DIED 2009

Keith Fagnou, 38. Died November 11 of H1N1. His research focused on improving the preparation of complex molecules for petrochemical, pharmaceutical or industrial uses. Keith’s advanced and out–of-the-box thinking overturned prior ideas of what is possible in the chemistry field.

Stephen Lagakos, 63. Died October 12 in an auto collision, wife, Regina, 61, and his mother, Helen, 94, were also killed in the crash, as was the driver of the other car, Stephen Krause, 52, of Keene, N.H. Lagakos centered his efforts on several fronts in the fight against AIDS particularly how and when HIV-infected women transmitted the virus to their children. In addition, he developed sophisticated methods to improve the accuracy of estimated HIV incidence rates. He also contributed to broadening access to antiretroviral drugs to people in developing countries.

Malcolm Casadaban, 60. Died Sept. 13 of plague. Casadaban, a renowned molecular geneticist with a passion for new research, had been working to develop an even stronger vaccine for the plague. The medical center says the plague bacteria he worked with was a weakened strain that isn’t known to cause illness in healthy adults. The strain was approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for laboratory studies.

Wallace L. Pannier, 81. Died Aug. 6 of respiratory failure and other natural causes. Pannier, a germ warfare scientist whose top-secret projects included a mock attack on the New York subway with powdered bacteria in 1966. Mr. Pannier worked at Fort Detrick, a US Army installation in Frederick that tested biological weapons during the Cold War and is now a center for biodefense research. He worked in the Special Operations Division, a secretive unit operating there from 1949 to 1969, according to family members and published reports. The unit developed and tested delivery systems for deadly agents such as anthrax and smallpox.

August “Gus” Watanabe, 67. Died June 9, found dead outside a cabin in Brown County. Friends discovered the body, a .38-caliber handgun and a three-page note at the scene. They said he had been depressed following the death last month of his daughter Nan Reiko Watanabe Lewis. She died at age 44 while recovering from elective surgery. Watanabe was one of the five highest-paid officers of Indianapolis pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly and Co. when he retired in 2003.

Caroline Coffey, 28. Died June 3, from massive cuts to her throat. Hikers found the body of the Cornell Univ. post-doctoral bio-medicine researcher along a wooded trail in the park, just outside Ithaca, N.Y., where the Ivy League school is located. Her husband was hospitalized under guard after a police chase and their apartment set on fire.

Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi, 53. Died February 14, of “suspicious” causes. Dr. Noah (formerly Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi) is described in his American biography as a pioneer of Mind-Body-Quantum medicine who lectured in five countries and ran a successful health care center General Medical Clinics Inc. in King County, Washington for 15 years after suffering a heart attack in 1989. Among his notable accomplishments was discovering an antitoxin treatment for bioweapons.

DIED 2008

Bruce Edwards Ivins, 62. Died July 29, of an overdose. He committed suicide prior to formal charges being filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for an alleged criminal connection to the 2001 anthrax attacks. Ivins was likely solely responsible for the deaths of five persons, and the injury of dozens of others, resulting from the mailings of several anonymous letters to members of Congress and members of the media in September and October, 2001, which letters contained Bacillus anthracis, commonly referred to as anthrax. Ivins was a coinventor on two US patents for anthrax vaccine technology.

Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez, both 23. Died July 3, after being bound, gagged, stabbed and set alight. Laurent, a student in the proteins that cause infectious disease, had been stabbed 196 times with half of them being administered to his back after he was dead. Gabriel, who hoped to become an expert in ecofriendly fuels, suffered 47 separate injuries.

DIED 2007

Yongsheng Li, age 29. Died: sometime after 4 p.m. on March 10, when he was last seen as a result of unknown causes. He was found in a pond between the Women’s Sports Complex and State Botanical Gardens on South Milledge Avenue Sunday and had been missing 16 days. Li was a doctoral student from China who studied receptor cells in Regents Professor David Puett’s biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory.

Dr. Mario Alberto Vargas Olvera, age 52. Died: Oct. 6, 2007 as a result of several blunt-force injuries to his head and neck. Ruled as murder. Found in his home. He was a nationally and internationally recognized biologist.

DIED 2006

Yoram Kaufman, age 57 (one day before his 58th birthday). Died: May 31, 2006 when he was struck by an automobile while riding his bicycle near the Goddard center’s campus in Greenbelt. Dr. Kaufman began working at the space flight center in 1979 and spent his entire career there as a research scientist. His primary fields were meteorology and climate change, with a specialty in analyzing aerosols — airborne solid and liquid particles in the atmosphere. In recent years, he was senior atmospheric scientist in the Earth-Sun Exploration Division and played a key role in the development of NASA’s Terra satellite, which collects data about the atmosphere.
You can find the scientists who died from 1994-2006 HERE.


The deaths of 48 high level bankers in just within the LAST YEAR is even more striking bizarre due to the sheer number and manner of deaths. What are the odds these high-level, multi-millionaire bankers who are often described as happy people would kill themselves in the most odd of ways?
Are these bankers being killed in order to stave off prosecution by the banks? Our entire monetary system is a Ponzi scheme, are big banks scare of a whistleblower coming forward to expose all the corruption, leading to a loss of confidence and crash of the system?
The latest 3 banker-deaths came this month with a fiery New York train crash due to an SUV Mercedes sitting on the tracks in true Hollywood-style.
The deaths of bankers are always ruled a suicide, even though they reek of something more. From the banker who slashed his own throat and somehow put the knife under his body afterwards to the banker who somehow crushed himself with his own SUV, many of these ‘suicides’ were seemingly committed with a ‘vengeance’.


 1. Nov – Shawn Miller, 42, Citigroup managing director – found dead in bathtub with throat slashed. Murder weapon is missing. – Reference.
2. Oct – Edmund Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, threw himself in front of a speeding Long Island Rail Road commuter train. – Reference.
3. Jan – William ‘Bill’ Broeksmit, 58, HUNG/POSSIBLE SUICIDE – Reference.
4. June – Richard Gravino, 49, Application Team Lead, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown/pending
5. June – James McDonald – President & CEO of Rockefeller & Co – apparently self-inflicted, GUNSHOT WOUND
6. May – Thomas Schenkman, 42, Managing Director of Global Infrastructure, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH, cause unknown/pending
7. May – Naseem Mubeen – Assistant Vice President ZBTL Bank, Islamabad, SUICIDE jumped
8. May – Daniel Leaf – senior manager at the Bank of Scotland/Saracen Fund Managers, FELL OFF A CLIFF
9. May – Nigel Sharvin – Senior Relationship Manager Ulster Bank manage portfolio of distressed businesses, ACCIDENTAL DROWNING
10. April – Lydia (no surname given) 52, France’s Bred-Banque-Populaire, SUICIDE jumped – Reference.
11. April – Li Jianhua, 49, Non-bank Financial Institutions Supervision Department of the regulator, HEART ATTACK
12. April – Benedict Philippens, Director/Manager Bank Ans-Saint-Nicolas, SHOT
13. April – Tanji Dewberry – Assistant Vice President, Credit Suisse, HOUSE FIRE
14. April – Amir Kess, co-founder and managing director Markstone Capital Group private equity fund, CYCLIST HIT BY CAR
15. April – Juergen Frick, 48, Bank Frick & Co. AG, SHOT Dead
16. April – Jan Peter Schmittmann – former CEO of Dutch Bank ABN Amro, (Possibly suicide, SHOT)
17. April – Andrew Jarzyk – Assistant Vice President, Commercial Banking at PNC Financial Services Group, MISSING/DEAD
18. March – Mohamed Hamwi – System Analyst at Trepp, a financial data and analytics firm, SHOT
19. March – Joseph Giampapa – JP Morgan lawyer, CYCLIST HIT BY MINIVAN
20. March – Kenneth Bellando, 28, (youngest) former JP Morgan, SUICIDE, allegedly jumping from his apartment building. –Reference.
21. Feb – John Ruiz Morgan Stanley Municipal Debt Analyst, died suddenly, NO CAUSE GIVEN
22. Feb – Jason Alan Salais, 34, Information Technology specialist at JPMorgan, FOUND DEAD outside a Walgreens pharmacy
23. Feb – Autumn Radtke, CEO of First Meta Bitcoin, a cyber-currency exchange firm, “Suspected SUICIDE” – Reference.
24. Feb – James Stuart Jr., Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, FOUND DEAD – Reference.
26. Feb – Li Junjie, JP Morgan, Alleged SUICIDE after jumping from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong – Reference.
27. Feb – Ryan Henry Crane, 37, Executive at JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown – Reference.
28. Feb – Richard Talley – A coroner’s spokeswoman Thursday said Talley was found in his garage by a family member who called authorities. They said Talley died from seven or eight self-inflicted wounds from a nail gun fired into his torso and head.Reference.
29. Jan – Gabriel Magee, 39, JP Morgan employee, dead after allegedly jumping from the rooftop of JP Morgan HQ in Europe –Reference.
30. July – Julian Knott, 45, JPMorgan Executive Director, Global Tier 3 Network Operations, allegedly shot his wife multiple times, then shot himself dead. – Reference.
The villa where Julian and Alita Knott were found shot dead
31. Jan – Mike Dueker, Suicide – “Suicide” By 13 Meter Embankment (40-50 feet). He may have jumped over a 4-foot (1.2-meter) fence before falling down a 40- to 50-foot embankment.” – Reference.
Dueker worked at Seattle-based Russell for five years, and developed a business-cycle index that forecast economic performance. He was previously an assistant vice president and research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. – Reference.
32. Jan – Carl Slym, SUICIDE
33. Jan – Tim Dickenson, Communications Director at Swiss Re AG, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown
34. Dec 2013 – Robert Wilson, a retired hedge fund founder, apparent SUICIDE leaped to his death from his 16th floor residence
35. Dec 2013 – Joseph . Ambrosio, age 34, Financial Analyst for J.P. Morgan, died suddenly from Acute Respiratory Syndrome
36. Dec 2013 – Benjamin Idim, CAR ACCIDENT
37. Dec 2013 – Susan Hewitt – Deutsche Bank, DROWNING
38. Nov 2013 – Patrick Sheehan, CAR ACCIDENT
39. Nov 2013 – Michael Anthony Turner, Career Banker, CAUSE UNKOWN
40. Nov 2013 – Venera Minakhmetova Former Financial Analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, CYCLIST HIT
41. Oct 2013 – Michael Burdin, SUICIDE
42. Oct 2013 – Ezdehar Husainat – former JP Morgan banker, killed in FREAK ACCIDENT when her SUV crushed her to death
43. Sept 2013 – Guy Ratovondrahona -Madagascar central bank, Sudden death – cause not confirmed
44. Aug 2013 – Pierre Wauthier, SUICIDE
45. Aug 2013 – Moritz Erhardt, SUICIDE
46. July 2013 Hussain Najadi CEO of merchant bank AIAK Group, SHOT
47. July 2013 Carsten Schloter, SUICIDE
48. July 2013 Sascha Schornstein – RBS in its commodity finance, MISSING
49. April 2013 David William Waygood, SUICIDE
50. Mar 2013 – David Rossi – communications director of troubled Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), SUICIDE
Lethal, but not fatal (more than one way to skin a banker)
51. Fang Fang – JP Morgan, China, DISGRACED
52. Nick Bagnall – Director at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, son accidentally killed himself while trying to re-enact a Tudor hanging
53. Robin Clark – RP Martin -Wolf of Shenfield City banker shot, SURVIVED
54. Kevin Bespolka – Citi Capital Advisors, Dresdner Bank, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, Seriously injured and son dead
55. Robert Wheeler, 49, a Deutsche Bank financial advisor, DISGRACED
56. Chris Latham – Bank of America, ON TRIAL, Murder for Hire
57. Igor Artamonov – West Siberian Bank of Sberbank, Daughter found dead (POSSIBLE SUICIDE)
58. Hector Sants, Barclays – resigned due to stress and exhaustion, after being told he risked more serious consequences to his health if he continued to work – a remarkable turnaround as the Church reportedly approached him two months later and was told he had made a full recovery.
More suspicious deaths
59. April 21st Bruce A. Schaal, 63, died suddenly Banker in Twin Lakes for 35 years
60. April 20th Keith Barnish 58, Died Suddenly (Still working as Senior Managing Director at Doral Financial Corporation. Previously Bear Stearns, Bank of America Senior Vice President).
61. March 12th Jeffrey Corzine, 31, son of MF Global CEO and Chairman Jon Corzine involved in major banking crime was found dead in an apparent suicide.
62. Keiran Toman, 39, former banker who believed he was being stalked by a reality TV crew starved to death in a hotel room, after leaving the “do not disturb” sign on door for TWO weeks.
[Highly suspicious claims, as many of us probably know that the hotel cleaning staff will knock on the door after 24 hours and eventually enter the room if failing to respond].
An inquest was opened after his death in July 2010 but his family asked for a second hearing as they were not informed. Police found all of Mr Toman’s possessions in the room, but despite documents mentioning his family, failed to tell them he had died.Reference.
63. Nicholas Austin, 49, A former bank manager from Hersden died after drinking antifreeze in an effort to “get high”. was found in a coma by his wife Lynn at their home in Blackthorne Road on October 5. He died the same day. – Reference.
“I took special note of the last one – he died drinking antifreeze in an attempt to “get high”! Funny one that is, as if a banker would be stupid enough to try that. The list is shocking, I never saw so many suicides and car accidents. No gall bladder stones, cancer deaths, strokes, or simply falling ill, it is just a litany of action. That pretty much says it all.”Jim Stone Freelance
The list continues…
64. Melissa Millian, 54, Senior Vice President at MassMutual Financial Group, stabbed in the chest near a jogging alley in Connecticut – Reference.
65. Karl Slym, 51, Tata Motors managing director – not a banker, but a top official that could be connected somehow to the others – discovered dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok.
66. Geert Tack was a private banker for ING and managed portfolios of wealthy clients in Blegium. The cause of death was unknown at the time of the report, but he disappeared in mysterious circumstances, after driving his personal car to a garage from which he took a replacement car to an unknown destination. His body was found in November 2014 near the shores of the Ostend coast. – Reference.
67. Thieu Leenen, 64, Relatiemanager ABN/AMRO, Eindhoven, Nederland
68. Calogero Gambino, 41, Associate General Counsel and Managing Director at Deutsche Bank, America – Alleged SUICIDE by hanging – Reference.
69. Thierry Leyne, 48, banker at Anatevka S.A., Israël, “apparent SUICIDE”– Reference.
70. Tod Robert Edward, 51, Vice President of M&T Bank, Lancaster and Harrisburg Offices, and served as President of the Mortgage Banker’s Assn – died on August 31st, 2014, on Grindstone Island, Clayton, NY, from injuries sustained in an accident.Reference.
71. Therese Brouwer, 50, Managing Director ING, Nederland – Died in MH17 Crash – For me, this is absolutely HUGE, as I’ve spent weeks debunking the official story and, IMO, proving the false flag. – Reference.
72. Jan 2015 – Thomas S. Gilbert Sr, 70, Hedge fund manager. Shot by his son for reducing his allowance. Source.
When it comes to the media, totalitarian governments make sure to have everything under their thumb. Whoever controls the media controls the mind, as Jim Morrison famously stated.
What are the chances that 3 hard hitting journalists who all work within ‘sensitive’ areas would all die within 24 hours?
We’ve seen several suspicious deaths within the journalism field as well. From the strange car crash of investigative journalist Michael Hastings to the death of Andrew Breitbart, both were just about to expose many of ‘Obama’s secrets’.
YET, before we segue to the recent droppings, let’s recap on a few other “mysterious” and convenient deaths – F/B/O Obama Inc!

WHO remembers the fiery death of Michael Hastings, an investigative journalist, the purveyor of many hidden secrets, least of which detailed the trade of top Taliban terrorists for the “exchange” of deserter Bergdahl? Additionally, how many know – prior to his untimely death – he was prepping for the release of an EXPLOSIVE exposé re HUSSEIN Obama and his (well hidden) bonafides, its fingerprints leading straight back to the CIA’s John Brennan?  How about said (drop dead) timing?
AS demonstrated at this site, Hastings had to be eliminated. Devious as that. Unreservedly, severalcommentaries were necessary to build the case.
Case One: 
SPECIFICALLY, in July 2013, many questions surfaced, regarding the “mysterious” car crash which took the life of Michael Hastings. The uncovered anomalies had no relationship to the sad fact that countless die inautomobile accidents. However, this was NOT an accident, as demonstrated within.
Case Two:
ALMOST immediately, a follow on report ensued. It was not for nothing. Yes, at this juncture it became clear that a hit was taken out on Hastings. Resultant, it was obligatory to point out all of its “strangeness”.
ENTER: CIA’s John Brennan via a targeted assassination. To an absolute certainty, Hastings was in the midst of building a case against the head spook! In tandem, he was knee deep in exposing the NSA’s out of control “techniques” too. All of it traced back to Obama Inc.!
CURIOUS and curiouser. A head scratcher.
Case Three:
There’s more. Do readers recall this “mysterious” death?


WHO can keep up….
Andrew Breitbart, an investigative journalist and a conservative powerhouse, was about to expose some of HUSSEIN Obama’s hidden secrets, and he too suddenly collapsed! NOW, isn’t it also curious…and curiouser…that his coroner wound up dead, and from arsenic poisoning too? The unexpected death of conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart just got a whole lot more mysterious. Only two months after Breitbart’s passing, the coroner that investigated the cause of death may have succumbed to arsenic poisoning.Michael Cormier, 61, passed away on April 20, the Los Angeles Times reports this week. Although Cormier’s death is only being publicized now, the timing of actual passing actually came within hours of the release of the preliminary autopsy report of Breitbart.
Commenting to the Times on the latest news, Lt. Alan Hamilton of the Los Angeles Police Department says that investigators have not ruled out foul play in the death of Cormier. Authorities have yet to confirm how they believe arsenic entered his system — or if the coroner was deliberately poisoned — but Cormier passed away after being admitted to a hospital in Burbank, California last month after displaying symptoms typical with the illness.
Now as investigators consider how Cormier’s life came to an end, others are still probing the untimely passing of Breitbart, an event which spawned conspiracy theories within minutes. As some have spent the last several weeks considering the pieces of the puzzle involving the journalist’s death, an unusual twist has been added to the mix.
Hours after the death of Breitbart was confirmed in early March, skeptics were quick to question what role his passing may have had in relation to a public address he delivered earlier in 2012. Speaking to the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. only weeks earlier, Breitbart claimed he had videos that would end the political career of US President Barack Obama.
“I have videos, this election we’re going to vet him,” Breitbart said back in February “We are going to vet him from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008.”
Although investigators would go on to call Breitbart’s March 1 death the result of heart failure, even some of his personal friends put forth the notion that it was an inside job.“He told me RECENTLY he had big dirt on Obama… MANY believe it’s murder!” radio host and pal Mancow Muller tweeted after his death, adding in a similar micro message that he had his doubts about the initial reports of natural causes.
Speaking to reporters at Los Angeles’s KABC News, investigators with the LA Police Department say that doctors at the hospital that Cormier died at have raised suspicions over the coroner’s death….
MORE of the same…
According to Dr. Jim Garrow (ex CIA agent), Andrew Breitbart did not die from natural causes, but was killed by the Obama Administration.
Best-selling author of techno-military thrillers Tom Clancy died on Oct. 2 at the age of 66.
The New York Times said Clancy died at Johns Hopkins Hospital after a brief illness. But neither Clancy’s lawyer, J.W. Thompson Webb, nor his longtime publisher, Ivan Held, president of G. P. Putnam’s Sons, said they knew the precise cause of death. Under “cause of death” on Clancy’s autopsy is “cause of death unknown.
When Clancy wrote The Hunt for Red October, he was met at the door by Pentagon officials and FBI agents demanding to know where he got top-secret documents. Dr. Garrow states that after the incident, the CIA “spoon fed” him classified information and scenarios to write his novels in a manner that was entertaining but contained elements of truth. Garrow says that is why Clancy was killed because he was getting too close to a secret they don’t want the world to know.
Dr. Garrow states Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well, noting that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Strangely (or not), doctors did not perform an autopsy on Clancy’s body for 5 days.
Garrow ended his radio interview with one last revelation.
He said the Obama administration is made up of Marxist Muslims who all take their orders from Senior Adviser to the President, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. Garrow said it is well known to intelligence agencies all over the world that Obama is a foreign plant who was placed on the path to the presidency by ultra-rich Saudi nationals. This is why all of Obama’s education records have been permanently sealed.
AGAIN, fortuitous timings…for the Traitor-in-Chief!
NOT to be lost in the discussion, what about the strange volume of “suicides” by leading bankers who were privy to the inner sanctum of high-flying financial schemes? Did they too die at their own hands, or were some “hidden hands” responsible? You decide.
It is often said that life imitates art. In the case of the dead financial executives, perhaps death imitates theater, or more specifically, the movie The International, which was coincidentally released in U.S. theaters exactly five years ago today.
We are told by the media that the untimely deaths of these young men and men in their prime are either suicides or tragic accidents. We are told what to believe by the captured and controlled media, regardless of how unusual or unlikely the circumstances, or how implausible the explanation. Such are the hallmarks of high level criminality and the involvement of a certain U.S. intelligence agency intent on keeping the lid on money laundering on a global scale.
BACK, to the “sudden” (yet again) deaths of the latest victims, all within 24 hours:
Ned Colt of (NBC) dropped dead of a stroke yesterday.. he was “supposedly” kidnapped during the Iraq war for several days, then freed?
Ned joined the International Rescue Committee in April 2011 as our regional media manager for the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. His reporting from the field and work with the press helped raise awareness of the impact of the war in Syria and other crises on the lives of ordinary people. IRC colleagues remember him with warmth and recall his dedication to bringing under reported humanitarian needs into the spotlight.
Prior to his work with the IRC, Ned served as a foreign correspondent in London for NBC News and spent eight years traveling out of Hong Kong as NBC’s Asia correspondent. His reports from more than 75 countries have been broadcast by the BBC, NBC, CBC, PBS, ITV, NPR and other global media outlets.
Ned left the IRC in February 2014 to report on refugee crises for the United Nations.
(blogger’s note: does anyone believe Colt’s work – in the HOTTEST spots in the globe – didn’t expose him to certain secrets, that which could explode Obama Inc.’s worldwide (Islamist) fires, if revealed to the public domain, intentionally or otherwise? Never mind that he operated from a “liberal” perspective…)
Bob Simon of (CBS) died in a car crash yesterday.. he was “supposedly” kidnapped held captive for 40 days in an Iraq jail.
In his 47 years at CBS, Mr. Simon won 27 Emmy Awards and four Peabody Awards, according to the network, making him one of the most highly honored correspondents in television history. He began contributing to “60 Minutes” in the 1990s and became a full-time correspondent for the popular CBS Sunday-night magazine program in 2005.
Among his dozens of stories, he interviewed failed suicide bombers in the Middle East, reported on the massacre of thousands of civilians in Bosnia and chronicled determined musicians in Africa. This past Sunday, he interviewed director Ava DuVernay about her Oscar-nominated film, “Selma.”
“Bob was for the last five decades simply one of the best, in my opinion, at getting a story, telling a story, writing a story and making it simply unforgettable,” Anderson Cooper, a “60 Minutes” contributor, said Wednesday on CNN. He called Mr. Simon “a warrior-poet who loved life and loved people.”
He was known for his dashing appearance, often appearing on screen in a safari jacket or trench coat, and for his willingness to challenge authority all over the world. He confronted Israeli officials about the killing of Palestinian civilians — and was equally blunt in questioning Palestinians about attacks on Israelis.
(blogger’s note: another darling of the “left set” met his demise within the same 24 hours. Again, if you believe in strange coincidences, that all 3 hard charging investigative reporters – with a fourth in a head-on, escaping injury – met their Makers on the same day, well, what else is there to say?)
David Carr (NY Times) just died suddenly after interviewing Edward Snowden, and had just come out against Brian Williams from NBC while on CBS… calling Williams out for lying about being shot down in the Iraq war.
Bob Hager the NBC aviation expert now has a head on crash…still among the living…hmm.
And of course Brian Williams is off the air for lying about the Iraq war.
THREE journalists dead within 24 hours, here in the United States (not in a war zone).
Did they know something that ‘we’ do not know? Is there a current campaign to silence the truth?
During the latter part of his career, Hager’s focus shifted from foreign affairs to a wide range of domestic issues. Hager persuaded NBC to relocate him to the Washington DC bureau, but because all of the traditional political beats had already been filled, he decided to mold himself as a “consumer reporter.”[2] Hager had a unique sense of urgency in his reporting style which helped him carve out a niche in the areas of weather and transportation, aviation in particular. He reported on many major airline accidents, including TWA Flight 800 and Pan Am Flight 103. He also covered many of the major hurricanes that hit the United States during his 35 year tenure.[1] During his years at the DC bureau, Hager became one of the most visible reporters on television…..[2]
In March of 2014 he again returned to NBC to report on the loss of Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Hager returned to the air again in July of 2014 (on MSNBC) to provide his expertise and commentary on the shoot down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, in which 298 people died.
(blogger’s note: now, what can be more incendiary than reporting on certain airline crashes, notably, TWA Flight 800 & Pan Am Flight 103.